Friday, November 23, 2012

5x7 Folded Card

Our Top Ten Holiday Card
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"I'll bet she makes you wish you'd stopped at 5 sometimes..."

Yesterday while dropping Julian off at school, Brenya decided to get a little grumpy. She is Brenya, it's how she do. (Thanks Ryan, for introducing me to Lil' Wayne's annoying Mt. Dew commercial, lol.) She's a diva, she's a monsterkins. she's the baby spoiled by all before her. During her little grumble-grumble-roar, someone said to me, and I quote, "I'll bet she makes you wish you'd stopped at 5 sometimes..."  Whaaaa?? I must not have heard her right. I replied something like, "uhhhh, no..." but I couldn't quite wrap my head about what just was said to me, at least until it had time to sink in.

Here I am at today, after letting it steep all night, and I'm still just flabbergasted. Did someone really just ask me if my 3 year old's diva-esque attitude makes me wish she were never born? Like, really?? I mean, I'm just speechless. Well, no I'm not, because I'm here to grumble-grumble-roar myself here on the internets, so I guess I'm more just lost, confused, left scratching my head.

I can't think of a time, even at any of my kids worst, that I wish I'd never had them. These people, they are the absolute loves of my life. I may have wanted to punch them in the nose while kicking them in the shins, but I can't think of a time where I wish they'd never existed. Even at my worst, and when I'm really doubting myself and my abilities as momma to 6, I know that momma is exactly the job title I was meant to have.

My children are my everything. They are my reason to wake up in the morning, the reason I eat, sleep, breathe. Do I give people the impression that I hate my "job" as momma? I struggled with that a bit last night while tossing and turning, but no. I know I don't. Even when I'm aggravated, these munchkins can find a way to make me laugh, and then we're back on track. I will never make my children feel as I did growing  up. They are not mistakes, they are not regrets, and I will not have others thinking that either. I have worked very hard to make it known that my kids are meant to be here, and they are destined to great things. I love them more than anything else on this Earth....more than anything in the Universe....they are amazing people I will forever be indebted to.

They are people, after all, and in general people are prone to mistakes. People are not known for being amazing and pleasant 100% of the time. People are not always compassionate and caring, as noted from the little sentence that inspired this blog post today. People are not always enjoyable, so does that mean we should wish they never existed when the worst of them comes out? No....just no. I just fail to see how others can think that way.

I'm sure she thought she was just joking, and that I would find it funny, but I don't. I just can't imagine asking someone if they wished their child(ren) were never born for any reason. I know sometimes I say things, and I look back and think, "dummy, dummy, dummy! What were you thinking?!" so, I wonder if maybe she did the same yesterday when she walked away with her grandson... Maybe, maybe not, however it stuck with me. We definitely need to think of exactly what we're saying before we say it. Words are not easily forgotten, even when seemingly innocently said.

At this moment, there is a woman sitting somewhere, crying at yet another negative pregnancy test. There's a mother missing her 13 year old son who recently lost his battle to cancer. There's a father out there who is trying to see his 3 year old son hanging on to his life after another man beat him. I try desperately to not take what I have for granted. Hug your loved ones a little closer, eh?

 I feel like I'm not accurately saying what I want to say, and how I want to say it, but I'm running out of time here, lol. I have to go and pick up my Juli-boy in a few minutes, and so I'm just going to publish this as is. Hopefully getting this out of my head, and onto electronic "paper" will help me go about my day with less ill-feelings.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gotta Be More Positive, Peeps!! :)

Staying away from the hatred from both sides right now. I don't want to be any part of the bragging and na-na-na-booboo'ing, and I don't want to be any part of the complaining and crying that will get me no where.

ON that note, today I had some running around to do, and I got to see both of my regular cashiers at both stores I went to (Wal*Mart and Meijer). They are my regulars for a reason, I will purposefully stand in a line 40 minutes long just to have them check me out. They are the bomb-diggity, as someone my age might think were *cool* to say. This may get wordy, but the happiness and positivity is assuredly worth it! xoxo

Cashier #1 (and I'm so awful at names, I try not to be, and I try hard, but I sucketh) was training a newbie today. She calls Bennie her "cuter" twin, lol. If you had seen the pics I posted on facebook earlier, you'll know Bennie is SpiderGirl today, because that just makes her day..and anything that makes the day run smoother, amiright? She was so pleased to see Bennie being her typical diva self, she ran off for a second to grab she and Bennie matching suckers, lol. She made Bennie's day with all the doting on and attention giving a diva monster-child desires. ;)  #1 and her trainee thanked Bennie and I for our patience and understanding that comes with the training process. :)

Cashier #2 (aka, Kim (who I can remember her name, since it's the same as my beloved Aunt Kim who passed away 7.5 years ago, and shares the same sort of "love everybody" attitude she did)) was being her typical love-everyone self. While beeping my things off the conveyor belt, she hears 2 co-workers having a convo that went something like:

#1) "I have something for you!"
#2) "Oh yeah?"
#1)  "It's a box, about 2 lbs, I need you to do..." (I can't remember word for word, but essentially, it was a job for her to do, not something *for* her)
#2) "Oh, you had me going for a minute! I thought someone had actually thought of me!"

both walk away chatting....

Kim then says something about how funny #2 (remember, I'm AWFUL with names) is, and what a nice lady she is. (I was her last customer before break) Then she says, "I think after I'm finished with my lunch, I'm going to get #2 a little something to let her know I'm thinking of her. I just hate to think that someone thinks that no one is thinking of them."

Cue tears.

She sees me with tears just-a-wellin' up, and I tell her that she has got to be one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and how she just made my day! I mean, seriously! She tells me to stop crying, because now I have her crying too, and we're both a sobbing mess. She tells me how much she loves people, and how much she loves knowing that she made someone smile that day...and I mean, she's just a wonderful person. Happy, positive, and selfless. After a few moments to suck it up, we're back to normal conversation on why I'm making Thanksgiving dinner 2 weeks before Thanksgiving (because we go to a big family get together where everyone pitches in a dish to pass, and I like to cook A LOT...and to prove to myself that I CAN make a huge Thanksgiving feast on my own...that's why! LOL), and she helps me put the last of my things into my cart. After setting the bag in my cart, she walks around and gives me this huge hug, tells me "God bless you sister, YOU made MY day." Now we're both bawling again!

Oh, how I wish there were more Cashier #1's and Kim's in the world... I hope that I can be like them one day. I want to make someone smile for the day, I want to be helpful, I strive to be the positive, loving, and caring people they are. They are cashiers I spend maybe 15 minutes with a week, and they just brighten my day. I strive to be someone who after spending merely 10-15 minutes with, I leave said person with a new outlook on the day. You rock, ladies!! xoxo